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VASER® Liposelection

VASER® Liposelection is a new form of liposuction. ‘VASER’ stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance and the technique uses advanced ultrasound technology to gently break down fat from different areas of the body.

The technique uses sound energy transmitted through small probes that liquefy fat prior to removal by gentle suction. In conventional liposuction, fat is sucked into a cannula (a thin metal tube) which is then sheared off by the surgeon, moving the cannula back and forth. This action produces trauma to the tissues which can lead to unevenness of fat removal and sometimes complications such as irregularities, which can be seen on the surface of the skin. The conventional technique is also associated with elongated recovery times and more pain.

This contrasts with Vaser® Liposelection where the ultrasound energy is directed specifically at the fat to liquefy it prior to removal by gentle suction. The nerves, blood vessels and surrounding tissues remain relatively undisturbed and this allows smoothness during the contouring by the surgeon and allows precise control. Since there is much less tissue trauma, there is also reduced pain and discomfort after surgery. Furthermore much-improved skin retraction is seen when compared to standard liposuction.

The benefits of Vaser® Liposelection treatment have been reported in scientific studies.

Who should perform VASER® liposelection?

There are many ‘clinics’ and ‘doctors’ advertising Vaser® lipo treatment. Since Vaser® liposelction treatment allows fat to be removed under local anaesthetic with a faster recovery time, many clinics are advertising this as a non-invasive or non¬surgical treatment. However, you should be under no illusion that this is a surgical procedure which involves the insertion of very long instruments under the skin. A high level of experience is therefore required and in order to avoid complications, it is important that your surgery be carried out by a fully trained plastic surgeon. Mr Chana was one of the first BAAPS accredited Plastic surgeons to introduce this technique to the UK in 2009.

In fact, the recent Royal College of Surgeons guidelines states that liposuction should be carried out by doctors with a post-graduate surgical qualification such as the FRCS.

Even if your Vaser® lipo treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic while you are awake, be aware that high doses of local anaesthetic do have side effects. The United States has the highest complication rates from liposuction procedures since they are mainly carried out under local anaesthetic in the clinic setting. Mr Chana always uses a fully qualified anaesthetist even if your procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic since he believes every precaution should be taken to ensure your safety.

You can watch a video of Mr Chana explaining the benefits of VASER® liposelection by clicking below


The Vaser® Liposelection procedure

If small volumes of fat are to be removed then VASER® Liposelection has the advantage that a local anaesthetic is all that is required (meaning you are awake during the procedure). For larger volumes of fat removal, or if multiple areas are treated, then a ‘twilight’ anaesthetic can be used which means that an intravenous sedation technique (TIVA, total intravenous anaesthesia) is more suitable. For even larger volumes of fat removal a full general anaesthetic may be required.

During the VASER® Liposelection procedure, Mr Chana will make small incisions, typically 4-5 mm long and inject fluid which is absorbed by the fat. An ultrasound probe is then introduced under the skin to liquefy the fat. These probes are blunt and pass through the fat easily. There are different types of probes depending on the area of the body and the quality of skin overlying the fat. The probe disperses the ultrasound energy into the surrounding fat and emulsifies the fat. A different suction cannula is the introduced under the skin which then very gently and easily removes the liquefied fat.

Once the treatment is complete, either a small dissolvable stitch or a dressing is applied to the entry.

Recovery after Vaser Liposelection surgey

For the removal of small to intermediate fat volumes, you will be able to go home the same day. For large volumes , you will be required to stay overnight in hospital. A compression garment is required to be worn for a variable length of time. This may be for a period of 1 week only for very small areas, or up to 6 weeks for larger areas. The garment will be provided for you.

The advantage of VASER® Liposelection is that pain and discomfort are minimal, however, painkillers are prescribed for you in case you need them. Significant bruising is unlikely, however if any mild bruising occur this should resolve quickly within 1 to 2 weeks.

For small to intermediate volume fat removal you should be able to return to work within a few days, but if large volumes of fat are removed you may require up to a week off work.

Strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least 2 weeks after the procedure. There will be some swelling after the procedure and it is important to allow the tissues to fully heal before engaging in heavy exercise. If multiple areas and large amounts of fat are removed your surgeon may recommend avoiding exercise for a longer period of time.

Although you will notice an immediate change after surgery, any swelling will take about a week to improve. The soft tissues and skin take time to retract and even though VASER® Liposelection allows improved skin retraction, it can still take 3 to 6 months to see the full benefits.


The risks associated with Vaser® Liposelection surgery

The main complications of liposuction include bruising, loose skin, surface irregularities and mild asymmetry. However with VASER® Liposelection these are greatly reduced.

At the same time, large volume liposuction patients sometimes need to return for a small revisional or ‘touch-up’ procedure. With VASER® Liposelection revision rates have been reported to be reduced by up to 50%.

The other complications of liposuction involve the toxic effects of large doses of local anaesthetic which can precipitate irregular heart rhythms with dangerous consequences. These complications should be extremely rare when treatments are carried out in a large hospital setting and in the presence of an anaesthetist. It is usually safer to have a general anaesthetic in some situations and you should not be persuaded into having a local anaesthetic by some clinics who do not have the comparative facilities of a Spire Hospital and the availability of a fully qualified anaesthetist.

You can read more on VASER® Liposelection in this article by Mr Chana which was published in the Huffington Post.

 Huffington Post article.

Is Vaser® Liposelection right for me?

Vaser® Liposelection is not a weight loss treatment. It is suitable for individuals who are close to their ideal weight, but have some stubborn areas of fat that cannot be lost no matter how much exercise or dieting they do. It is also suitable for achieving better definition and contouring of areas, called 'High Definition VASER'. An example of this would be using Vaser® Liposelection to provide better definition of a 'six-pack' tummy.

What areas can be treated with Vaser® Liposelection?

Many areas on the body can be treated such as the abdomen, back, arms, thighs, buttocks, chest and the neck/jawline.

Who can perform Vaser® Liposelection?

It is always best to have a fully trained Plastic Surgeon perform your procedure. Mr Chana was one of the first BAAPS accredited Plastic Surgeons to introduce Vaser® Liposelection to the UK in 2009.

What are the benefits of Vaser® Liposelection?

The major benefit of Vaser® Liposelection, is less recovery time. The procedure improves body contouring over traditional liposuction and there is less risk of of irregularities even in delicate areas such as the inner arms or neck. Vaser® Liposelection also refines and accentuates the appearance of muscles.

Does it leave a scar?

There will be tiny scars, about 4 mm in length. For most people they soon fade and becomes invisible with time.

Is Vaser® Liposelection painful?

Since Vaser® Liposelection is less invasive than traditional liposuction, there tends to be far less pain and discomfort. Recovery times are also much quicker.

Local or General
Surgery time
1 to 4 hours
Hospital stay
Day or 1 night
Time off work
Few days
Full recovery
4 to 6 weeks
Best results
3 to 6 months
Price from
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Spire Bushey Hospital
Heathbourne Road
WD23 1RD

T: 0203 874 2064
BMI Bishops Wood Hospital
Rickmansworth Road

T: 0203 874 2064
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Beufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree
London, WD6 3BS

T: 0203 874 2064
The Harley Street Clinic
16 Devonshire Street

T: 0203 874 2064


Jag Chana
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Baufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree


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