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Mastopexy - Breast lift

Following motherhood and breastfeeding many women experience a change in the appearance of their breasts. The skin becomes stretched because of breastfeeding, they loose their firmness and begin to take on a droopy appearance. Over time the gravity pulls the breasts down further. At the same time, the ageing process and changes in weight, particularly excessive weight loss, can also have the same effect. As a result, many women begin to feel very self concious about their breasts and dislike the appearance they have taken on.

A Mastoplexty, or breast lift, is the answer for many women. It is a cosmetic surgery procedure that lifts sagging breasts to create a new firmer shape. It restores the breasts to a more youthful appearance, lifts the nipples back to their normal position and reshapes the breast volume.

The procedure does not increase or decrease the size of the actual breast since only skin is removed, not breast tissue itself and in general, women with small saggy breasts tend to see the best results (although breasts of any size can be lifted, but the results may not last as long on very large cup sizes).

There are different types of Mastopexy and Mr Chana will advise on which procedure will best suit you at your consultation.


The breast lift consultation

At your initial consultation, Mr Chana will talk to you to understand why you are considering surgery and what you expect to achieve from it. He will assess your medical history, examine your breasts and guide you through the surgical procedure carefully. He may want to take photographs of your breasts to use as reference and help in the planning of your surgery. 
Mr Chana and his team will be on hand to make sure you understand all aspects of the surgery and recovery.


The breast lift operation

Mastopexy is carried out under general anaesthetic and takes approximately 2 hours. An overnight stay in hospital is usually required.

Before surgery Mr Chana will draw markings on your breasts which determine the degree of nipple lift and the degree of skin tightening. During surgery, excess loose skin is removed from above, below and around the nipple and areola. There will be a scar around the nipple and a further one running vertically down from the nipple to the crease under the breast. In some situations, a further horizontal scar may also be required in the crease under the breast. A supportive dressing is applied following surgery.

Mr Chana will discuss in detail the likely scarring you will have prior to your surgery taking place.


Recovery after breast lift surgery

Most patients will experience some discomfort and mild pain following a Mastopexy, but it s easily relieved by painkillers which will be prescribed by Mr Chana. Aspirin or aspirin-like medication (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory tablets) must not be taken.

After surgery, you should avoid bending over or doing vigorous activity for a few days to reduce the swelling. It is also important to sleep in an elevated position with pillows to reduce the swelling. Bruising of the skin around your breasts may occur, but this should disappear within a couple of weeks. Immediately after surgery the skin adjacent to the incision can sometimes appear pleated, but this will flatten out over the coming months. The scars can often take a year or so to settle.

The risks associated with breast lift surgery

Serious complications following a Mastopexy are very rare. Bleeding can occur, but it in most cases it can be successfully managed. Infections can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by Mr Chana.

Alteration in nipple sensation may initially occur after surgery, but it usually recovers in the vast majority of patients. However, some patients will permanently lose the feeling in their nipples. And since this procedure involves actually moving the nipple, there is also a likelihood of impaired breast feeding ability in the future. 

Delayed healing is a risk especially in smokers and therefore it is important to stop smoking prior to surgery.

Mr Chana will provide you with a detailed information leaflet on breast lift surgery at your consultation.

Is a breast uplift right for me?

A breast uplift is suitable if you are concerned about how your breasts have dropped and the nipple position is now much lower. In many cases this situation will also result in a lack of projection and loss of fullness. An uplift will restore the nipple back to a normal lifted position and improve the shape and projection of the breast.

Does a breast uplift change the cup size?

A breast uplift shouldn't change cup size because no breast tissue is actually removed, only skin. The existing breast tissue is reshaped and lifted. However, for reasons of bra fitting a few women may end up wearing a different cup size even though no change has been made to breast volume.

Will I get an increase in upper pole fullness after a breast uplift?

A breast uplift will not produce increased fullness in the upper pole and cleavage area but will re-instate a natural appearance. If more fullness is required in the upper pole, then a breast implant in combination with an uplift, can be considered.

How do I achieve an uplift as well as an increase in cup size?

This will require a combination of a breast implant and an uplift. However, the technicality and safety of combination surgery means that you can only really achieve a one cup size increase. If you want to be larger than a one cup size, it is best to perform the uplift first then at a later date carry out breast implant surgery.

Breast uplift and scars
Surgery time
2 hours
Hospital stay
1 Night
Time off work
1 to 2 weeks
Full recovery
6 weeks
Best results
3 to 6 months
Price from
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breast lift surgery
What are the different types of breast lift?
> See article
breast decision
Breast lift or breast implant?
> See article
scarless breast lift
Is a scarless breast lift possible?
> See article


Spire Bushey Hospital
Heathbourne Road
WD23 1RD

T: 0203 874 2064
BMI Bishops Wood Hospital
Rickmansworth Road

T: 0203 874 2064
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Beufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree
London, WD6 3BS

T: 0203 874 2064
The Harley Street Clinic
16 Devonshire Street

T: 0203 874 2064


Jag Chana
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Baufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree


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