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Gynaecomastia is a medical term meaning male breast enlargement. It is the development of excess breast tissue in a male.
It's actually a common condition, but due to the self-concious nature of it, rarely talked about. It can occur as a result of hormonal stimulation during puberty or it can occur as a side effect of various medical conditions and some types of medication in older men.
The breast is made up of two main components, glandular tissue (firm and dense) and fatty tissue (soft). The ratio between the two varies from one man to another, but in Gynaecomastia there is usually an excess of both. This causes the appearance of breasts which can be further affected by how much excess weight is being carried.

Gynaecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic and takes between 1 to 2 hours.
If excess glandular tissue is the cause, surgery will be performed to excise (cut out) the central part of the glandular breast tissue. It's not a straight forward technique as it can often fail to create a refined result. It also has an added risk of causing a depression in the central part of the chest and it can sometimes cause excess bleeding. A better technique is to use it along with liposuction. This techique involves sucking out the tissue through a small tube (inserted via a 3-4mm incision) over the whole chest giving better results. Under these circumstances less gland resection is needed and the results are more refined with fewer complications.
However, if there is predominantly a diffuse fatty enlargement of the breast then using liposuction on its own will often work best.

Vaser® liposuction surgery for gynaecomastia srurgery

Mr Chana is highly skilled in using a new procedure called VASER® Liposuction for Gynaecomastia. It liquefies the fat prior to extraction which creates a smooth extraction process and minimises adverse side-effects. VASER® makes use of a combination of ultrasound energy and gentle suction to provide a relatively comfortable procedure with short healing times.
The procedure involves the insertion of an ultrasound probe into the tissues of the breast through a small incision. The probe emits a very localised energy which dissolves the fat without causing damage to other important structures such as the blood vessels and nerves. The fat is then gently removed with a suction tube. The technique creates much tissue trauma so that recovery times are enhanced. There is less bruising and pain and there are fewer complications.
Occasionally, even with VASER®, the central part of the breast has such dense glandular tissue that it cannot be removed and needs to be done so surgically. But because all the surrounding fat has been completely removed by the VASER®, the surgery is a lot easier.
There is a great deal of misleading advertising around Gynaecomastia and many men are falling for high street clinics offering ‘minimally invasive VASER®’ treatments to solve their conditions. As a result they are discovering that these treatments don't always work and their condition actually needs much more specialist help. As one of the UK's leading practitioners in VASER® Liposuction, Mr Chana has seen a large increase in patients coming to him for corrective procedures following visits to such clinics. In fact so widespread is the problem that part of his practice is now solely focused on secondary corrective surgery.
You can watch the video of one of Mr Chana's patients undergoing a Gynaecomastia procedure which was shown on Sky by clicking the link below.

The gynaecomastia surgery correction proecdure

This corrective procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and takes between 1 to 2 hours. Patients are admitted as on a day case basis.

A number of methods are available for Gynaecomastia correction and sometimes a combination is used. With the advancement of surgical techniques and liposuction equipment, it is possible to break up and draw off excess fat and some breast tissue through a fine cannula. Mr Chana uses Vaser® Liposuction.

The breast is approached through a tiny incision hidden towards the armpit or in the darker skin around the nipple and Vaser® Liposuction liquefies the fat prior to extraction which creates a smooth process and minimises adverse side-effects. It makes use of a combination of ultrasound energy and gentle suction to provide a relatively comfortable procedure with short healing times.

If the breast tissue is severe and there is also a problem with excess skin, there may need to be some skin removal in order to provide an adequate chest reduction. In mild to moderate cases of skin excess, the liposuction and gland removal will be performed first and then left alone to wait and see how much skin shrinkage occurs over a six month period. If the skin does not retract a secondary removal of skin may be performed at a later date. This involves excising a donut of skin around the nipple and a scar will be left.  

In very severe cases of breast development, a female breast reduction procedure may be necessary with a much greater chance of extensive scarring.

Recovery after gynaecomastia surgery

After surgery, you should avoid bending over or doing vigorous activity for a few days to reduce the swelling. It is also important to sleep in a elevated position at night to further help reduce the swelling. Bruising and discomfort are minimized with Vaser® Liposuction. Bruising may occur, but it should disappear in approximately 2 to 3 weeks. Recovery is usually within a couple of weeks, but vigorous exercise should be avoided for at least a month. 

Immediately after surgery, a new, flatter contour to the chest will be apparent, but it can often take a few months for the tissue to fully settle and for the final result to be seen.

The risks associated with gynaecomastia surgery

Serious complications following Gynaecomastia surgery are rare. Infection and bleeding can be risks as with any surgical procedure, but in most cases can easily be treated with antibiotics.

Delayed wound healing is a risk in smokers and therefore it is important to stop smoking as early as you can prior to surgery. 

In rare cases, it is possible for an indentation to develop in the nipple area but this can be corrected with secondary surgery. There is occassionally a risk of loose skin, which if likely, Mr Chana will discuss with you during your initial consultation. A secondary skin excision may be needed six months after the first procedure. 

Alteration in nipple sensation may occur with some patients.

Mr Chana will provide you with a comprehensive information leaflet on Gynaecomastia following your consultation.

Is male chest reduction right for me ?

Male reduction surgery is suitable if you are concerned about excess skin and fat on your chest giving rise to prominent breast tissue or man-boobs. You may be self conscious in tight shirts or when your chest is exposed.

How flat will my chest be after surgery ?

The aim of the surgery is to remove as much fat and glandular tissue to provide a flat chest. However, it is important to maintain a chest appearance which is proportional to the rest of the body and the degree of tissue removal can vary according to individual circumstances.

Can the gynaecomastia grow back after surgery ?

It is very unlikely that the tissue grows back. Once the fat and gland tissue has been adequately removed the result should be permanent provided you keep to a steady weight, diet and excercise.

Will the scars be visible after surgery ?

In mild to moderate gynaecomastia the fatty tissue is removed via liposuction which results in tiny scars which are concealed in the armpit or nipple. If gland needs to be removed a small but slightly longer scar results at the lower edge of the nipple. This is discreetly positioned at the edge of the darker skin of the areala so that it is disguised in comparison to the surrounding paler skin. It is only in situations of more extensive skin excess that scars may be more extensive and visible.

Is the gynaecomastia surgery painful ?

Male chest reduction surgery tends not to be very painful. Any discomfort is quite shortlived and easily controlled with mild painkillers.

Gynaecomastia - David's story

Surgery time
1 to 2 hours
Hospital stay
Day case
Time off work
1 week
Full recovery
4 to 6 weeks
Best results
3 to 6 months
Price from
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gynaecomastia correction
The best type of surgery for Gynaecomastia correction
> See article
male chest reduction
Vaser Liposuction for Gynaecomastia Correction
> See article
male breast surgery
Breast Surgery for Men Soars
> See article


Spire Bushey Hospital
Heathbourne Road
WD23 1RD

T: 0203 874 2064
BMI Bishops Wood Hospital
Rickmansworth Road

T: 0203 874 2064
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Beufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree
London, WD6 3BS

T: 0203 874 2064
The Harley Street Clinic
16 Devonshire Street

T: 0203 874 2064


Jag Chana
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Baufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree


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