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Facial Liposculpture

Facial liposculpture surgery is used to remove areas of fat in the face to enhance the definition of the cheeks, chin, neckline and jawline. It can be used in combination with another procedure to the face.

It's not easy to loose weight in the face. A person's genetics combined with the natural ageing process can play significant role in defining the natural shape of the face and the chin and jaw areas can often prove resistant to the effects of diet and exercise.

Liposuction is most commonly associated with body contouring, but many certified plastic surgeons are now using it for specialist facial liposuction. London surgeon, Mr Chana is one of the first fully accredited surgeons in the UK to offer a treatment called VASER® Liposelection which removes fat in the face and neck in a more effective and less traumatic way.

With younger patients, facial liposuction can be carried out on its own but in the case of older patients, it is often carried out in conjunction with a face or neck lift. Occasionally, a chin implant procedure may be used to further enhance the anatomy of the lower jawline.

Mr Chana will be happy to discuss which type of treatment will best suit your condition at an initial consultation.


The facial liposuction procedure

Facial liposculpture is usually performed using VASER® Liposelection treatment. Unless it is being carried out alongside other facial surgery such as a facelift, patients are admitted on a day case basis.

It does involve surgery and is carried out under local anaesthetic with mild sedation.

During facial liposculpture surgery, a small opening of between 5-8mm is made under the chin so that the VASER® probe can be inserted. Occasionally an additional opening is required behind each earlobe to access the fat removal on the sides of the neck. Once inserted the VASER® probe emulsifies (liquefies) the fat and it is then removed using a fine cannula. A fine absorbable stitch is used to close the openings in the skin.

The recovery following facial liposuction

Discomfort after facial liposculpture is normally very minor and easily controlled with mild analgesics which will be prescribed by Mr Chana. Aspirin or aspirin-like medication (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory tablets) must not be taken.

With VASER® Liposelection bruising is usually minimal, although there may be some mild swelling which will soon go down as the healing process starts. It can take several weeks to visualize the final result and best results are normally seen around 3 months.

The risks associated with facial liposuction


The risks following facial liposculpture are rare and the majority of patients heal very quickly. Infection is possible and can easily be treated with antibiotics. Occasionally, some firmness and thickening of the treated areas may occur, but this will usually soften over a few months. Very rarely, minor irregularities may persist.

Is facial liposculpture right for me?

Facial liposuction removes fat from below the jawline to redefines the jawline, chin and neck. If you have a chubby chin and neck, this procedure can provide a slimmer and more elegant shape to the neck, chin and jawline. However, if there is excessive loose skin in these areas, a facelift or neck lift should be considered.

Am I the right age for facial liposculpture?

Younger patients without any loose skin will benefit the most from this procedure the most. Usually the best age is in your 40s or younger. Older individuals are likely to need a lifting procedure in combination with facial liposuction to address loose skin. This may involve either a mini or full facelift.

Is there a non-surgical alternative to facial liposculpture?

There are non-surgical options such as Kybella, a fat dissolving injection, or a technique called Coolsculpting which freezes fat. However, Mr Chana does not offer these treatments as from experience he believes they cannot control where the fat is actually removed. In fact, there can be irregularities and complications from uneven fat removal. Mr Chana offers a procedure called VASER® Liposelection, which removes fat in the face and neck in a more effective and less traumatic way. It is a very controlled technique since the surgeon can measure and visualise the improvements as it is being performed. Mr Chana is one of the first fully accredited surgeons in the UK to offer VASER® Liposelection.

Is facial liposculpture painful?

There may be minimal discomfort which is easily controlled with mild painkillers. The recovery is relatively quick.

What other procedures can be performed at the same time as facial liposculpture?

The facial liposculpture procedure Mr Channa uses is called VASER® Liposelection. It can be performed along with surgical procedures such as a chin implant, facelift and necklift surgery.

Local or general
Surgery time
1 hour
Hospital stay
Day case
Time off work
1 week
Full recovery
2 weeks
Best results
3 months
Price from
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face contouring
How to achieve a defined and contoured face shape
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Subtle facial rejuvenation surgery in London
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What is a SMAS facelift?
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Spire Bushey Hospital
Heathbourne Road
WD23 1RD

T: 0203 874 2064
BMI Bishops Wood Hospital
Rickmansworth Road

T: 0203 874 2064
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Beufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree
London, WD6 3BS

T: 0203 874 2064
The Harley Street Clinic
16 Devonshire Street

T: 0203 874 2064


Jag Chana
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Baufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree


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