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Chemical peel

The top layer of a person's skin (the epidermis) is constantly affected by everyday circumstances, such as pollution and sun damage, and therefore ages more rapidly than the skin underneath. It can appear ‘imperfect’ in many different ways and everyone will have their own individual skin complaints and concerns. 

As the name suggests, a chemical peel, allows old skin cells on the surface of the face to ‘peel’ away, exposing fresher, younger and brighter skin underneath. It can help correct a multitude of skin blemishes and imperfections.*

Specifically it can be performed to:

• Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth

• Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging

• Improve the apperance of very mild scars

• Treat certain types of ache

• Reduce age spots and freckles

• Treat pigmentation such as melasma

• Rejuvunate the skin making it look and feel fresher


The chemical peel cosmetic treatment procedure

A chemical peel simply reacts with the very top layrer of a person's skin causing it to come away, revealing a healthier, smoother complexion underneath. As the skin heels, new cells are made and there is greater collagen production helping to achieve a more youthful look*.

A peel usually takes between 30 to 60 minutes and you will be required to have some form of anaesthetic prior to your treatment. For lighter peels, a topical numbing local anaesthetic will be applied, but for more intensive peels, which usually have the most benefit, you may be sedated. 

The peel will be applied to the face and left to work which is indicated by the appearance of a frost like colour to the treated skin. The peel is then washed off. After the procedure, you will experience some redness and peeling as standard (the level of which is variable depending on the strength of your peel). The amount of time you should take off work will depend on what sort of chemical peel you have had but usually it takes about two weeks for the skin to peel off completely.

The best results following a chemical peel will be seen between 2 and 4 weeks after your treatment when the superficial layer of skin has come away and the new skin has had time to heal and adjust.


High street peels versus medically led peels

There are different types and strengths of chemical peel. They are widely available on most high streets and in beauty salons and spas whilst some versions can be bought as at-home procedures. However, these treatments are of a different nature to those administered by a plastic surgeon. Whilst high street and shop bought products generally focus on providing exfoliation and improving the complexion, medically-led chemical peels are different and they will elicit much better results.

Mr. Chana uses peels that are not readily available in beauty salons and spas. Not only do they have a much bigger impact on the complexion and the quality of the skin, but they can hugely reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles and imperfections.

Chemical peels vary in strength and which one is right for you will be subject to a consultation with Mr. Chana. At your consultation, he will assess your skin type and listen to any skin complaints you might have, before recommending a specific treatment plan and the chemical peel you would be most suited to.

Mr. Chana tends to uses TCA peels and for some situations he may even recommend fractional carbon dioxide laser treatment. TCA stands for Tricholoacetic acid and is a medium to deep peel. It can usually penetrate to the deeper layer of the skin which results in reorganisation of the skin and increased cell growth leading to healthier skin layers and stimulating the skin to produce more collagen.

If you are interested in a chemical peel with Mr Chana, please book a consultation with him first.


* Treatments are bespoke for every individual and results may vary.

Chemical Peel treatment prices

(Medical Grade)

  Chemical Peeling (Miedical Grade)     Mr Chana     Practicioner/Nurse  
  Full Face (TCA 20%)   £1500   £900
  Part of Face - Small area (TCA 20%)     £450   £300
  Hands   N/A   £750


How are chemical peels administered?

Chemical peels are strong so they require some form of numbing cream. For deeper peels some sedation may be required. The recovery period is approximately 1 to 2 weeks depending on the strength of the peel used, during which time the surface skin will slough off revealing the fresh and rejuvenated skin below.

Which areas can be treated?

The face, neck, chest and even the hands can be treated with peels. The peel can be effective in reducing pigmentation, fine lines and improving the overall complexion of the skin. Many of Mr Chana’s patients who have undergone facelift surgery have chemical peels after the procedure to rejuvenate the skin. Although facial ageing causes loose skin which can be corrected with surgery, the overall rejuvenating effect can be considered further enhanced by treating the surface of the skin with a chemical peel.

What are the side effects and risks?

During recovery, some redness can occur with deep peels which may persist beyond the first couple of weeks, but this will eventually subside. Uneven skin colour and changes in the degree of pigmentation are also a potential side effect (although rare in Caucasian skin). It is important to use high factor sun block daily for several months after the peel. Some patients can suffer a re-activation of cold sores and therefore medication to prevent this may be prescribed by Mr Chana.

What are chemical peels?

Chemical peels are acids which remove the outer layer of the skin revealing fresher looking skin below. Depending on the strength of the peel, uneven pigmentation, blemishes and fine lines can be improved. Unlike many of the peels available on the high street clinics, Mr Chana only uses ones that produce a definite and visible effect. The most common type of peel used is the TCA peel.
Treatment time
30 to 60 minutes
Hospital stay
Day case
Time off work
2 weeks
Full recovery
2 to 4 weeks
Best results
3 months
Price from
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Spire Bushey Hospital
Heathbourne Road
WD23 1RD

T: 0203 874 2064
BMI Bishops Wood Hospital
Rickmansworth Road

T: 0203 874 2064
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Beufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree
London, WD6 3BS

T: 0203 874 2064
The Harley Street Clinic
16 Devonshire Street

T: 0203 874 2064


Jag Chana
The Wellington Hospital Elstree
Elstree Waterfront Medical Centre
Baufort House, The Waterfront Business Park
Elstree Road, Elstree


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