Ultrasonic rhinoplasty before and after photos

Ultrasonic Rhinplasty before side view
Patient with a dorsal hump
ultrasonic rhinoplasty after side view
Patient 9 months after surgery follwing dorsal hump reduction and tip refinement

Ultrasonic Rhinplasty before oblique view
oblique view showing dorsal hump and droopy tip

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty after oblique view
After surgery the dorsal hump has been reduced and tip refined with a subtle rotation to correct the droopy tip

Ultrasonic Rhinplasty before
Patient with a dorsal hump showing as an irregularity along the bridge line. She also has a broad nasal tip which is drooping
ultrasonic rhinoplasty after
After surgery the dorsal irregularity has been removed with a very straight bridgeline. The tip is refined and this is combined with a subtle tip rotation